Cyndre Forester Female Joined: Nov 15, 1998 (Charter Member) Inactive Eleasaid (Striix) Female Georgia Joined Nov 9, 1998 (Charter Member) Inactive Seoidheal nic Bhaird (Joelle) Female Illinois Celtic Witch Joelle's Sacred Grove Joined Nov 15, 1998 (Charter Member) List Owner & Moderator I call myself a Celtic Witch for lack of a better term. I'm not exactly Wiccan, not exactly Celtic Traditionalist, and not exactly Celtic Reconstructionalist, but a mixture of all plus some of my own stuff thrown in. Graywalker Male Mississippi Druid Dragon Manor Joined Nov 15, 1998 (Charter Member) Rejoined January 27, 2001 Mannanan Mac Llyr Male California Website: Celtic Shaman Joined Nov 15, 1998 (Charter Member) I am a 52 yr old Pagan. Practicing for a little over 30yrs. I have studdied Wicca, Shamanism, and Magick. I also lean toward Celtic Shamanism. Linda Female Scotland Website: Lanarkshire Witch Scottish Witch Joined March 1, 1999 I am a practicing witch Scottish, born and bred Aine Nic Laisre Female Minnesota Chateau Gaillard - At The Edge of Enchantment Wiccan Joined Oct 4, 1999 I have studied Wicca for 10 years, but just started calling myself Wiccan for a year. I am still learning and enjoy learning and sharing what I am learning. Celtia Female Alabama Tradition: Other Celtic path Joined 8/8/99 I have followed the Old Ways for 27 years and have walked down many of its paths, finally settling on a Celtic path 10 years ago. Besides being a mother,I am first and foremost a Witch. My 18 year old daughter Annie and I live in a big spooky old 1800's farmhouse in the enchanted backwoods of Alabama. We are part of a large working Pagan community in Auburn where I am the hospitality officer for a Pagan church, The Church of the Spiral Tree, I'm also the poetry editor for an on-line Pagan journal 'The Hazel Nut' A wise Scottish friend of mine told me that one must follow the religion of one's ancestors because they sing and swim in our blood. That is why I follow a path of Celtic Spirituality. Conal Glas Suil Male Florida Celtic Shaman Joined Aug 10, 1999 I am a 40 year old man of Celtic descent, having Scotts on my father's side and Irish on my mother's. I suppose my tradition is best described as Celtic Shamanism. I specialize in working with animal powers and I do a lot of spiritual shapeshifting to gain the attributes I desire. My magical work is mostly to fine tune the psychological aspects of my being through trance and journeying. I'm not much on rituals or ceremonies, although I do practice general metaphysical principles to enhance my own health, abundance and well being. I am fond of the Wiccans I have known, but I have never joined a circle. I hope to learn from you what it means to you to be a Celt. My interests are history, archaeology, and zoology. I am a Career Coast Guardsman working as an Environmental Medicine Specialist and Clinic Administrator. Galadreil Female New Mexico Wiccan Joined Jan 10, 1999 I am Joelle's mother, as you all know Joelle. I am 51, new to Wicca but I have very strong beliefs in the universiality of all religions there is really only one source, one eternal power, and all others are a part of the flame, as are we all. Genevieve Female Solitary Eclectic Joined Oct 3, 1999 Bobcat of the Ironwood (Tree of Life) Female Colorado Website: under construction/not yet on-line Other Celtic path Joined Dec 5, 1999 I am a former Catholic, a Level 2 Reiki practitioner and a solitary eclectic - not yet dedicated to a specific path. A member of Ord Brighideach, Larch Cell, I am studying Celtic options while researching my maternal Scottish heritage (Clans MacInnes/MacPherson). I am a writer, artist and crafter. I love gardening, learning, raising herbs, research, cooking, wildlife, working with crystals and exploring nature. Primary talents I am working to refine include empathy, ESP, healing touch and precognition. Bryndahl de Anwyn Female Texas Website: Druegan Darach Coille Druid Joined June 11, 2000 I'm relatively new to the Druidic path, but I follow it with reverence, awe, joy, and love. I am always looking for people to share with, learn with, and live with. Living, for me, is to be done together. That means Community, or for me...Clan. And that means finding those whom one feels comfortable calling Clan and calling Friend. I look forward to meeting new people and sharing ideas and interests. |